ZEW and EconPol Research Seminar (Special Policy Session)

EU Fiscal Framework and the Covid-19 Shock - The Annual Report of the European Fiscal Board


Online Event

The European Fiscal Board (EFB) recently released its fourth annual report, assessing the implementation of the EU fiscal framework in 2019. The report provides new evidence that the EU fiscal framework falls short of its aims and should be reformed without delay. The reforms become even more urgent against the backdrop of the ongoing pandemic. The Covid-19 crisis has exposed three long-standing gaps in EMU’s architecture:
(1) the lack of a genuine and permanent central fiscal capacity;
(2) adverse incentives to maintain or scale up growth-enhancing government expenditure;
(3) an intractable set of rules and benchmarks poorly tailored to country-specific needs and capacities.
How the EU’s fiscal architecture might look after the Covid-19 shock will be at the heart of our digital seminar jointly organized by ZEW Mannheim and EconPol Europe. The event will take place as a Webex webinar and is open to the public.

Register on the ZEW event platform 



For further information, contact: 

Dr. Zareh Asatryan
Deputy Head of the ZEW Research Department
"Corporate Taxation and Public Finance"
+49 (0)621 1235-392

Dr. Daniela Heimberger
Head "International Co-operation and Public Relations"
+49 (0)621 1235-109


Roel Beetsma (Amsterdam School of Economics) and Xavier Debrun (National Bank of Belgium): The EFB Annual Report 2020
The presentation of the EFB report is followed by three discussions delivered by:
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (Paris School of Economics)
Thomas Westphal (German Ministry of Finance)
The event concludes with a general Q&A session.
Zareh Asatryan (ZEW Mannheim for European Economic Research) will moderate the webinar.