News Archive

Illustration for EconPol Policy Brief 8

How to Boost Productivity in the EU

EconPol Policy Brief
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Advances in total factor productivity (TFP) are important for sustaining economic growth in modern economies, in particular in the face of a declining working-age population. In this Policy Brief, we identify investment in research and development, good governance, the capital intensity, a high share of information technology in the total capital stock, and the number of industrial robots per employee as conducive for TFP growth. Based on the empirical results, policies that are beneficial for capital formation in general, investment in computer technology, research and development as well as the use of industrial robots could boost TFP in Europe.
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Illustration for EconPol Working Paper 14

Macroeconomic Imbalances and the Euro Zone. Alternative Views

EconPol Working Paper
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Why are macroeconomic imbalances so important in the Eurozone and can the European Commission’s Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure (MIP) address them? EconPol expert Roberto Tamborini examines critical and alternative views of this procedure. A common thread across alternative views is that the right approach to problems arising from capital movements across a monetary union is the so-called Banking Union, not the MIP. Overall, its critics all contend that the MIP, together with other Eurozone regulations, is conceived as a substitute for (good) federal government that we do not have (or want).
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Illustration for EconPol Working Paper 12

The Role of Pre-Opening Mechanisms in Fragmented Markets

EconPol Working Paper
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Liquidity issues in financial markets arise because of two main factors: asymmetric information and cost of market participation. To alleviate these frictions, several exchanges start with a pre-opening period characterized by the accumulation of orders and the absence of trading. What is the role of Euronext’s pre-opening mechanism in the price discovery and liquidity formation of the exchange itself versus two other competing venues deprived of such a mechanism, namely BATS and Chi-X? EconPol expert Sophie Moinas (TSE) and her co-authors find evidence that tentative clearing prices set during the pre-opening period contribute to discover opening price; and that tentative clearing volume is positively correlated with liquidity across all three platforms.
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Illustration for EconPol Working Paper 15

Fragmentation and Strategic Market-Making

EconPol Working Paper
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Over the past decade major regulatory changes in the US and Europe to promote competition among trading venues have made today’s financial markets more fragmented and complex than ever. Information technology, infrastructure enhancement, and arbitrage strategies all help to link trading venues. This EconPol Working Paper, co-authored by EconPol researcher Sophie Moinas, uses a two-venue duopoly model involving strategic risk-averse market-makers to explore a new cross-market linking channel: the interdependence of liquidity providers' inventory costs.
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Illustration for EconPol Working Paper 13

Funding Constraints and Market Illiquidity in the European Treasury Bond Market

EconPol Working Paper
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Financial markets routinely experience a variety of frictions that hinder their efficient functioning by impacting price formation. These frictions are usually due to how trading is organized in a market, regulatory constraints, or trading capital. EconPol expert Sophie Moinas (TSE) and her co-authors propose an empirical investigation of the dynamic relationships between funding and market illiquidity measures in the European Treasury bond market. They find that funding illiquidity shocks affect bond market illiquidity and of a weaker, but significant, reverse feedback effect. Their analysis also shows that the responses of individual bonds' market illiquidity to funding illiquidity shocks increase with bond duration, the credit risk of the issuer, and with haircuts.
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