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EU Policy Priorities - How to Secure Europe's Competitiveness and Prosperity

EconPol Annual Conference 2024

November 13, 2024, Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU, Rue Wiertz 77, Brussels

The new EU legislature is haunted by resurgent worries - with Trump rebooted and heightened geopolitical risks and trade tensions. Talk has shifted in the EU - from outsourcing security to the US to a focus on "strategic autonomy”, from outsourcing export-led growth to China to a strategy of “de-risking”, and from outsourcing energy needs to Russia to anywhere but. And then there is climate change and the war next door. How can Europe secure its competitiveness and prosperity in this new environment? Join us at the EconPol Europe 2024 Annual Conference as we unpack the key issues and chart a course to navigate the potentially thorny years to come. 

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