Understanding and Improving the Impact of Automation Technology on La-bor Markets: Panel Discussion and Presentation of EU-Led Initiatives

Tatjana Guznajeva, Arthur Treguier, Frank Siebern-Thomas, Martin Humburg, Matteo Sostero

In 2019, the former European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labor Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, remarked: "In a changing world of work, we cannot just expect people to get ready for and adapt to change. We, as policy-makers, must also adapt our social institutions, our rulebooks and education systems to support people, so that people can be confident about their future, and the future of their children, also in the new world of work.” During this session we will showcase some examples of European initiatives that support the adaptation of institutions and policies to the new world of work, in a manner that is inclusive both for present and future labor.

Opening remark and moderation by Tatjana Guznajeva (Co-designing future policies for inclusive labour markets, Technopolis Group)

Strengthening the Europeans’ Digital Skills to Improve their Inclusion in the Labour Market: What the EU does?
Arthur Treguier (Digital Economy, Recovery Plan and Skills Unit, DG CONNECT)

Foreseeing the Impact of Automation Technology on both the Current and the Future Labour Markets in Europe
Frank Siebern-Thomas (Head of Unit for Fair Green and Digital Transitions, DG EMPLOYMENT)

Preparedness of the Education System in View of the Technological Transformation-Investment Insights from the European Investment Bank – EIB
Martin Humburg (Sector Economist, European Investment Bank)

Automation of Labour in the EU: Hype versus Evidence
Matteo Sostero (European Commission Joint Research Centre, Human Capital and Employment Unit)