Expert Opinions

Informed perspectives from CESifo President Clemens Fuest and other seasoned experts from the CESifo network offer valuable insights and comments on current economic policy issues. Sought for their well-founded policy advice, these perspectives distill complex topics and offer recommendations reflective of the experts‘ expertise. The Expert Opinions contribute to the public discourse, extend the advancing knowledge to shape policies, and serve as information and guide for decisionmaking in politics and business.

Europe Flags

Europe’s Industrial Policy and the Response to IRA

Expert Opinion
Europe is seeing a renaissance in industrial policy. Industrial policy usually involves influencing an economy’s sectoral development by means of subsidies, partial state ownership of companies, or regulations. It can also include promoting mergers of companies to form national champions – large companies which are supposed to conquer the world’s markets with their governments’ support. It’s also common to bar foreign investors from taking over domestic companies that are deemed strategically important.
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Geoeconomic Strategy

Wanted: Geoeconomic Strategy for Trade Relations

Expert Opinion
The planned investment by the Chinese state-owned group Cosco in HLLA, the operator of the Port of Hamburg, has triggered a fierce dispute. Critics of the investment argue that the Chinese government would gain unwanted control over the port facilities. Supporters, meanwhile, maintain that it is only a minority stake and that the German government is in a position to impose conditions on port operators, regardless of who the owner is.
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Europe Must Avoid a Subsidy Race

Expert Opinion
The energy crisis – especially the shortage of gas due to a loss of supplies from Russia – is plunging Europe into recession and causing social tensions and distributional conflicts. European governments are eagerly seeking ways to defuse the situation, but they will succeed only if they cooperate closely. The cross-border energy market must remain open, and the European Union should leverage its market power when purchasing gas in third countries. But without coordinated national crisis-management strategies, Europe’s response could become a self-defeating subsidy race.
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