
Marco Buti

Marco Buti

Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair Holder in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the European University Institute, Coordinator of the EMU Lab.
Former Director-General at the European Commission and Chief of Staff of Commissioner Gentiloni
Pádraig Carmody

Pádraig Carmody

Professor in Geography at Trinity College Dublin
Senior Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg
Christopher S. Carpenter

Christopher S. Carpenter

E. Bronson Ingram Chair and Professor of Economics at Vanderbilt University
Founder and Director of the Vanderbilt LGBT Policy Lab
Director of the Vanderbilt Program in Public Policy Studies
Luisa Carpinelli

Luisa Carpinelli

Economist at the Bank of Italy, currently Deputy Head of the Advanced Economies and Macroeconomic Policies Division of the Economics and Research Department
Michael Christl

Michael Christl

Economic Analyst in the Fiscal Policy Analysis team at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Seville
Global Labor Organization (GLO)
Daniel Cicak

Daniel Cicak

Master of Science student in the Global Political Economy of China and Europe at the London School of Economics and Political Science at Fudan University,
Research Assistant working with Iain Begg
Francesco Corti

Francesco Corti

Associate Research Fellow at CEPS
Adjunct Professor at the University of Milan
Research Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI)
Marek Dabrowski

Marek Dabrowski

Non-Resident Fellow at Bruegel, Brussels
Fellow at CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw
Visiting Professor at the Central European University, Vienna
Gordon B. Dahl

Gordon B. Dahl

Professor of Economics at the University of California, San Diego
Area Director for Labor Economics for the CESifo Research Network
Affiliated Professor at the Norwegian School of Economics
Silvia De Poli

Silvia De Poli

Economic Analyst in the Fiscal Policy Analysis team at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Seville
Paul Dermine

Paul Dermine

Professor of European Union Law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Université Libre de Bruxelles