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The Possibility of a Euro Finance Minister – A New Office Bringing Little Added Value to Europe

EconPol Analysis on the EU Reform Debate

Creating the office of “Euro Minister of Economy and Finance” will not be able to solve the main problems facing fiscal coordination in Europe. This is the finding of a recent study conducted by a European team in the EconPol Europe research network and coordinated by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim.

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EEAG Report 2018: Europe: What now, with whom, where to – The Future of the EU

This year’s EEAG/EconPol Europe report focuses on the causes and symptoms of, and possible cures to the current integration malaise of the European Union. A decade of economic and migration crises and Brexit represent a major stumbling block on the path towards ever closer ties and continuous enlargement. The report raises the fundamental question of what holds societies together and shows that interaction within and between nation-states is strongly shaped by trust. Trust enables economic, social, and political interactions both within countries and internationally.

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Germany’s Current Account Surplus Does Not Harm Other Countries But Germany Is Nevertheless Breaking EU Rules and Should Try to Stimulate Private Investment by Reforming Corporate Taxation

Criticism of Germany’s current account surplus is overblown. The surplus is having no negative impact on other countries or on Germany itself, according to the results of a recent ifo study for the new research network EconPol Europe. Higher demand from Germany may help countries suffering from unemployment, but a lower surplus would boost interest rates due to lower capital outflows and would negatively impact countries with high debts as a result.
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