News Archive
How can the EU Escape the Middle Technology Trap?
Policy Report
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A joint report by a group of economists from France, Germany, and Italy criticizes the EU's innovation policy and the direction of research and development spending in Europe and calls for changes. The authors argue that the EU is losing the race to innovate, ceding economic prosperity as well as regulatory and geopolitical power. EU research investment is concentrated in the medical technology sector, especially the automotive industry, while Europe is falling behind in growing high-tech sectors such as the digital economy. The continent is caught in a mid-tech trap.
Understanding the Populist Voter
EconPol Forum
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Voters of right-wing populist parties are increasingly in favor of dismantling the welfare state in order to be able to compete with other countries. This is according to a survey of 12,000 voters in Germany, France, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The right-wing populist spectrum sees the welfare state as a form of redistribution towards immigrants. Left-wing populist voters, meanwhile, are most strongly opposed to dismantling the welfare state. The views of voters of non-populist parties lie between those of the two populist groups.
Parenthood Increases Inequality between Women and Men
EconPol Forum
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Inequality in the labor market between men and women in Germany is at its greatest when there are children involved, finds an international research group that has examined the development of inequality in 17 countries in Europe and North America over the past 50 years. Among 30-year-olds, mothers earn on average 70 to 80 percent less than fathers. For childless people of the same age, the difference is much smaller and has fallen to less than 5 percent.
How Electronic Payment Systems Improve Pandemic Performance During Covid-19
EconPol Forum
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The outbreak of an unprecedented global health crisis about four years ago put the very foundations of our communities, economies and politics to the test. Policymakers had to learn and react fast to limit human and economic costs at the same time. This article highlights the importance of existing markets, technological features such as payments systems and economic decisions at the transactional level in combating the spread of a contagious disease while stabilizing aggregate economic activity.
Rise of Populism: Causes, Consequences and Policy Implications?
EconPol Forum
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Populism is on the rise. Donald Trump's presidency in the US and the Brexit referendum campaigns are two prominent examples in recent years. Several EU member states, namely France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Greece, Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany, have experienced how quickly populists can win over voters in national elections. With the U.S. presidential election and the European elections in 2024, many people fear a further rise in political polarization and populism in the Western world.